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A, B, C Monday: Gratitude, balance, and movement.

Sent by Alexander Holloway | April 11, 2022

A. Joyful ideas from me


“Whatever your success, nurture gratitude. Your achievements will always in part result from the assistance of those around you. Even better, pass it on to those that need it.”



“Accept that balance in our lives is a sliding scale and re calibration is required moment by moment. This is why mindfulness practices are essential.”



“Move like your life depends on it. It does.”

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B. It was once said…


Author, public intellectual, historian and professor Yuval Noah Harari on the freedom of possibilities:

“Culture tends to argue that it forbids only that which is unnatural. But from a biological perspective, nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is by definition also natural. A truly unnatural behaviour, one that goes against the laws of nature, simply cannot exist, so it would need no prohibition.”


Author Amoda Maa on the importance of acknowledging and expressing our emotions:

“Emotion is energy in motion. When this energy is not moving, then it is stuck emotion...we block the natural flow of energy...If we allow an emotion room for expression, it will quickly change its vibration to a higher frequency.”

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C. Something to consider this week:

“What holistically nurtures you? Quality of life depends on defining this and increasing your exposure to it to a point that it becomes everything you do. Begin by noticing, then repeat incrementally.”

Until next Monday,

Alexander Holloway

Joyful Life Guide

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